Candy and Allowances: Parent-Child Communication in Elm

Published June 23, 2016 · 9 Minute Read · ∞ Permalink

UPDATE 2017-01-16: before you read this, read the reuse section of the Elm guide. It will set you up in a better way! The text below is preserved for reference purposes.

Nobody wants to feel like their application holds together by duct tape and baling wire. Coupling components is icky, but… sometimes you’ve got a parent and child components that just have to talk to each other. It can feel like you’re missing something simple when these situations come up. Do you have to give up on clean separation of concerns just to get it working? There’s hope, though: this problem is not as difficult as it seems on the surface.

Initial Modeling

Let’s work out the relationship between parent and child components with actual parents and children. Imagine an allowance tracker. The parent gets paychecks, and then give the children allowances You might start to model the parent like this:

type alias Model =
    { money : Float
    , children : Dict String Child.Model

init : Model
init =
    { money = 0
    , children =
            [ ( "Trevor", Child.init )
            , ( "Jane", Child.init )

type Msg
    = Paycheck Float
    | ChildMsg String Child.Msg

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Paycheck amount ->
            { model | money = + amount }

        ChildMsg name msg' ->
            case Dict.get name model.children of
                Nothing ->

                Just child ->
                    { model
                        | children =
                            Dict.insert name (Child.update msg' child) model.children

So far, so good. The parent gets their own paychecks and lives in peaceful coexistence with the children. Meanwhile, the children do pretty much as they please. We keep a record of the children by their names, and use that to update them whenever we get one of their messages. Next, let’s check out what’s going on in the Child model:

type alias Model =
    { money : Float }

type Msg
    = Allowance Float
    | Candy

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Allowance amount ->
            { model | money = + amount }

        Candy ->
            { model | money = - 5 }

We’ve given our children the ability to receive an allowance, and then spend that money on candy with wild abandon. In fact, they can go into debt to the candy store! Good thing we’re such modern laissez-faire parents, or this would be a real problem. But a bigger problem: we don’t actually have a way to give the children their allowance money, leading to a candy-based debt spiral. We’d better intervene.

Parent to Child: Allowances

In the parent, again:

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        -- Paycheck and ChildMsg removed for space

        Allowance ->
                perChild =

                total =
                    perChild * (Dict.size model.children |> toFloat)

                giveTo =
                    Child.update (Child.Allowance perChild)
                if - total < 0 then
                    { model
                        | money =
                   - total
                        , children =
                   (\_ child -> giveTo child) model.children

What’s going on here? Well, we’re being responsible parents at last. We can’t give the children money if doing so would mean that we had negative money, and we need to give the same amount to each child. We do this by computing the total money needed by multiplying the allowance amount by the number of children. Then we check if the total amount would bring the parent balance below 0. If it would, we do nothing. Otherwise, we go ahead and give the children money by sending a message they know about.

This is the first way we’re actively communicating between the parent and child components. The child defines certain events (Msg) to which it will respond via update. That means that other components (such as our parent) can send those messages just as easily as they can pass them along.

If this still seems icky, remember that the parent doesn’t “own” the messages passed to the child. We can consider the child messages part of the public API for that module. Since we’re following the Elm Architecture, we get a consistent public API. If we change the API between our modules, the compiler will tell us right away.

Child to Parent: Candy!

Parents sending messages to children is only half the equation, though. What about communication from the child to the parent? In our case, let’s return to lax parenting. Whenever the children want to buy candy and don’t have money, we’ll just cover it. But how? Remember how in Parent.update we’re handling child messages?

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ChildMsg name msg' ->
            case Dict.get name model.children of
                Nothing ->

                Just child ->
                    { model
                        | children =
                            Dict.insert name (Child.update msg' child) model.children

It seems like we should put something here. But where? We definitely don’t want to change the child state in the parent, since this would mean that part of the implementation of the child would live in the parent. This would couple them tightly, and we definitely don’t want that! So what’s the way around this? Let’s just change Child.update to pass a message back to the parent!

In Child:

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Float )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Allowance amount ->
            ( { model | money = + amount }
            , 0

        Candy ->
                money =
           - 5
                ( { model | money = money }
                , min money 0 |> abs

We’ve just modified the signature of update to return an extra bit of data. If the childs balance goes negative, it will complain until the parent gives it a bit of extra money. “But wait a minute,” I can hear you saying, “doesn’t modifying the signature of update go against the Elm Architecture?” Nope! In fact, the shape that update returns is another part of the public API. As implementers, we get to define the public API of our modules. Let’s back this up with a quote from Evan Czaplicki in a thread on this subject:

I think folks take the Elm Architecture tutorial too literally. It’s more of guidelines. If you want to pass information to a parent after an update, just do it:

update : Action -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action, whateverYouWant)

So now we’ve got a way to pass data back up! That said, how do we actually use this message from the parent? Something like this:

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ChildMsg name msg' ->
            case Dict.get name model.children of
                Nothing ->

                Just child ->
                        ( updated, amount ) =
                            Child.update msg' child

                        ( child', money ) =
                            if amount > 0 then
                                ( Child.update (Child.Allowance amount) updated |> fst
                                , - amount
                                ( updated, )

                        children =
                            Dict.insert name child' model.children
                        { model | children = children, money = money }

The first thing you’ll notice is that we’re now looking for the amount when calling update. We then compute the new amount of money the parent has as well as giving the child the money to cover their candy shopping spree.

Now whenever the child gets a Candy message and doesn’t have any money it asks the parent for a little extra. This is the communication from the child to the parent, so now we have two-way communication. The best part is that neither side knows too much about the others state. Since they communicate over well-defined messages, as long as the update functions handle all the cases (which the compiler will ensure) we can’t end up in an inconsistent state. Plus, we can add new parents to these child components in a safe way. Separation of concerns is great!


I omitted a few parts from this post to keep it concise, but you can grab the final version of the code at BrianHicks/candy-and-allowances on GitHub. That includes my final implementation of child-to-parent communication, as well as the view functions.

To sum up:

This pattern should scale up just fine, as well. If you need more messages, make another union type for them (called, for example, MsgOut and using a similar way.) That said, if a child component has a huge number of events the parent needs to handle, it may be a sign that you either need to split functionality out to multiple children or make the child part of the parent to begin with. A minimal interface here will make your child components much easier to reuse.

Now you’ll know what tools to reach for the next time you need to solve this problem!

update: part II, covering child to child communication is now available.

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