Introducing elm-benchmark

Published February 27, 2017 · 4 Minute Read · ∞ Permalink

After the sets series finished, I got really curious… How fast were these sets, exactly? I had to shave a lot of yaks to answer that question, but to sum up: Elm now has a benchmarking library! Let’s take a look at how to use it!

Our First Benchmark

The basic building blocks of elm-benchmark are benchmark through benchmark8. The number refers to the arity of a function (the number of arguments). So a benchmark for Dict.get (get : comparable -> Dict comparable b -> Maybe b) would look like this:

import Benchmark exposing (Benchmark)
import Dict

get : Benchmark
get =
    Benchmark.benchmark2 "Dict.get" Dict.get "a" (Dict.singleton "a" 1)

All the benchmarking functions take a name as their first argument. For a single benchmark this can look pretty silly, but you’ll usually have a bunch of benchmarks and need to know which is which.

To run this benchmark, we’ll use Benchmark.Runner.program. It takes any Benchmark and runs it in the browser, once compiled.

import Benchmark.Runner exposing (BenchmarkProgram, program)

main : BenchmarkProgram
main =
    program get

(Run this example on Ellie)

Adding More Benchmarks

One benchmark is all well and good, but you’ll usually want more than that. For that, we’ll use describe. Like benchmark, it takes a name as the first argument. Unlike benchmark, it takes a list of Benchmark and produces a Benchmark. This works just like elm-test’s describe. You can compose these groups as deeply as you like.

Assuming we’ve written a few more benchmarks (let’s say insert and remove), we can use describe like this:

suite : Benchmark
suite =
    Benchmark.describe "Dict"
        [ get
        , insert
        , remove

Of course, there’s nothing preventing us from embedding those benchmark functions directly:

suite : Benchmark
suite =
        source =
            Dict.singleton "a"
        Benchmark.describe "Dict"
            [ Benchmark.benchmark2 "get" Dict.get "a" source
            , Benchmark.benchmark3 "insert" Dict.insert "b" 2 source
            , Benchmark.benchmark2 "remove" Dict.remove "a" source

(Run this example on Ellie)

This lets us share benchmark fixtures. Thanks to Elm’s immutability guarantees, we can do this without influencing our measurements.

benchmark and describe cover 90% of what you’ll typically use. But in cases like Skinney/elm-array-exploration and zwilias/elm-avl-dict-exploration we need one more thing:

Comparing Two Implementations

compare acts a little like benchmark and a little like describe. It takes a name as the first argument, but then it takes two benchmarks to compare head-to-head. Here’s how we do that for get:

insert : Benchmark
insert = "get"
        (Benchmark.benchmark2 "Dict" Dict.get "a" (Dict.singleton "a" 1))
        (Benchmark.benchmark2 "Dict.AVL" AVL.get "a" (AVL.singleton "a" 1))

(Run this example on Ellie)

When you run this, elm-benchmark will run both of these benchmarks, then compare their results.

With these three kinds of functions, we can describe whole suites. Check out elm-avl-exploration’s main suite or any of the examples in elm-benchmark to get a better feel for how to compose these together.

As a last word, be aware that the first release of elm-benchmark doesn’t have every single feature under the sun, and it may have some issues. You can help out by benchmarking your code and reporting any issues You can get help by opening an issue against elm-benchmark and/or by asking in the #elm-benchmark room in the Elm Slack.

Have fun!

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